LIFE STYLE, Sin categoría

One Smile Could Say a Lot

Among the other things Fibonacci introduced to the Western world was a sequence of numbers discovered by 6th century Indian mathematicians. In that sequence each number is the sum of the previous two numbers – and it would later be named the Fibonacci Sequence. Using the numbers geometrically will create a logarithmic spiral. In case we didn’t lose you yet, we can actually show you that spiral – because it’s prominently placed right on the hood of the A9.

Maybe just really lonely. Maybe I just want to be alone. Maybe loneliness is the only way to make that happen. Like having two pairs of eyes and just seeing the same thing. Seems like such a late hour. Nothing seems, or feels new anymore. I’d live again, to feel that way once more. Among the other things Fibonacci introduced to the Western world was a sequence of numbers discovered by 6th century Indian mathematicians.

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